Wednesday, May 11, 2016

President Buhari Set to Establish 6 New Universities...Find Out Where They'll Be Located

The government of President Muhammadu Buhari is working toward establishing six new universities of Science and Technology, Adamu Adamu, Minister of Education, has said.
President Buhari
While speaking at a forum in Abuja on Tuesday, Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, disclosed that the government of President Muhammadu Buhari is working toward establishing six new universities of science and technology, adding that they would be located in the six geo-political zones.
The minister who revealed that the future of the world depended on science and technology, said; "This government has already decided to even add more; it is going to establish six new universities of science and technology.
"And at the lower level, there will be a technical school in each state of the federation and then vocational centres at the wards and local government levels.

"You know, we have a problem of access; if you look at it last year, one million people sat for the universities but only 150,000 were taken. So, we still need to build more universities to create more space for those who want to get in.

"And then the fact that the six new universities are being created for science and technology underscores the decision by the government to put more emphasis on science.

"Whether we agree or not, oil has limited time before it finishes; the whole economies of the world are going towards the knowledge economy.

"Actually, it is the cultivation of Science, Technology and Engineering studies that will hold the economy in the future," he said.
He said over the years, the government had laid emphasis on science and technology by giving more access to students in such fields.

Philippine Boxing Legend, Manny Pacquiao Wins Senate Seat

Legendary boxer-turned-politician, Manny Pacquiao is set to start life as a congressman after securing enough votes to guarantee a seat in the Philippine Senate.
Boxing hero Manny Pacquiao
According to election results conducted in the upper house Senate in Philippine, boxing hero Manny Pacquiao is set to win a seat when results are announced.
With over 93 per cent of voting centres accounted for from Monday's polls, the winner of an unprecedented eight world championships had garnered 15.2 million votes, more than enough to enter the Senate.
Pacquiao, 37, had a tough life and lived on the street before boxing his way to fame and has now become one of the country's biggest stars.
He retired from boxing last month to start life as a fulltime politician. His aim is to become the president of his country. 
According to available statistics, AFP reports that Pacquiao placed eighth out of a field of 50 candidates in a national race where the top 12 win a seat in the upper house, a powerful legislative body that has often served as a springboard to higher office.
Pacquiao who dropped out of school before finding success in sports is set to start life as a congress man.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

3 Simple Ways to Burn Belly Fat in Under Two Minutes

You can get that belly flat and abs showing with these 3 simple ways to burn your belly fat just under two minutes.
Between work, family and social commitments finding time to hit the gym can be near impossible. 
And for some, a flat stomach or rock-hard abs seems too unattainable to strive for, as belly fat is one of the hardest types to shift. 
But fat around the middle can be dangerous to your health - with stress a major cause.  
Thankfully, there are quick and simple exercises that can help shed unwanted pounds that won’t take an hour out of your day. 
Here, personal trainer Dan Osman from PhD Nutrition demonstrates his top three gut-busting workouts. 
He recommends focusing on quality of over quantity during these exercises, lengthening the muscles as much as possible. 

1. Abdominal crunch 
- Begin on your back, holding a dumbbell or a weight above your head 
- As you forcefully contract upward, keep the weight in your eye-line 
- Release with a big exhale as you crunch to the top 
- Lower back down slowly, contracting the abdominals to protect your lower back 
2. Dumbbell rotations 
- Start by holding the dumbbell in the centre of the body, sitting upright by leaning back slightly to receive and tension in the back 
- Keep your heels on the floor, to again ease pressure on the back
- Slowly rotate from the stomach upward to one side, as you feel the stretch on the other side 
- Pause momentarily facing one side, ensuring your stomach remains tensed at all times
- Rotate to the other side as above and repeat 
3. Plank
- Begin in a nice and simple plank position, with elbows underneath shoulders, and legs outstretched with toes touching the floor 
- Maintain tension in abdominal region as you tense your core, bottom and legs
- Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, and repeat for a minimum of four sets
- As you advance, you can bring the elbows in closer to the body, tense the abdominals tighter and hold the position for longer.

The Game Heats up Instagram with Massive New Eggplant Photo

Popular American hardcore rapper, The Game, shattered the internet once again after posting a new photo of his eggplant which has sent the social media buzzing.
The Game
36-year-old American rapper and actor, Jayceon Terrell Taylor, better known by his stage name as The Game, who after taking a break from sharing photos of his eggplant on Instagram, has returned again to send the social media buzzing with his endowed body.
The West Coast California rapper yesterday, teased his female fans with a dose of his eggplant by sharing a new bathroom selfie and it was obvious they were excited that the rapper was back to sharing such racy photos. 
The new eggplant photo
The self-proclaimed Meat Print Papi also showed off his toned physique and revealed he was back to the gym hard with his trainer. "#MCM type shit !!! Back on my gym grizzly courtesy of my new trainer," he captioned the photo.
Meanwhile, below is his former raw eggplant photos which was taken down on social media by Instagram;

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Health Alert! Signs and Symptoms You Might Have Cancer

Cancer continues to take lives because many people do not know important facts and signs indicating that they have cancer. Read this and be on the safe side.
Millions of people are living with cancer in the UK, but the survival rate can be high if it is spotted early
Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK, and over 2.5 million people are currently living with some form of the disease.
But as new treatments are developed and campaigns, such as Race for Life and Move-member, raise awareness of symptoms, the deaths caused by cancer have dropped. In the past decade alone there has been a 10 per cent decrease in death rates, BBC News reported.
And while cancers can be caused by genetics and environmental factors that are out of our control, 30 per cent of cancers worldwide could be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle and being immunized against viruses such as HPV and HBV, according to the World Health Organization.
Below are the symptoms of the most common types of cancer in the UK.
Lung cancer
One of the most serious forms of the disease, around 44,500 people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. The chance of survival is 5 per cent, and around 35,000 people will die of the disease each year. However, 89 per cent of cases are preventable.
There are two forms of primary lung cancer: the term used to describe the disease when it has not spread to other parts of the body.
More than 80 per cent of cases are non-small-cell lung cancer, which fall into the categories of squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma or large-cell carcinoma. Each of these forms attack different areas of the lung.
Small-cell lung, or oat-cell, cancer is rarer, but is more aggressive than non-small-cell. The vast majority of patients with oat-cell cancer are smokers, according to Cancer Research UK.
Symptoms: Feeling breathless and having a persistent cough, as well as an aching or feeling pain when breathing or coughing are all symptoms of lung cancer. Coughing up blood or rust-coloured spit or phlegm, as well as repeatedly having infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia are signs, too.
Sudden and unexplained tiredness and weight loss can also be caused by the disease.
Public Health England in 2013 launched a campaign urging people not to ignore persistent coughs, as almost 24,000 people a year in England are diagnosed with the disease at the earliest stage when treatment is most likely to be successful.
Also known as colon or rectal cancer, bowel cancer affects around one in 20 people in the UK, with around 41,000 people diagnosed with it each year. Over 16,000 of those patients will die of the disease. It has a survival rate of 57 per cent, and can be prevented in 54 per cent of cases.
It is most common in the over 60s; those with a diet low in fibre and high in red and processed meat; the overweight; and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Drinking and smoking can also heighten the risk, as well as a family history of the condition.
Symptoms: Bowel cancer can be easily mistaken for other illnesses because the signs are common in many conditions.
Blood in your stools and pain in the abdomen can be caused by bowel cancer. Changes in bowel movements - such as constipation or diarrhea - that last for more than a few days are also linked to the disease.
But these are also common in people with haemorrhoids or those whose eating habits have changed, according to the NHS. In the latest stages, weight loss, pain when eating and bloating become evident.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, but lung cancer is the deadliest according to Cancer Research UK. The majority of people who get breast cancer are women over the age of 65, however younger women and men can also develop the disease.
Each year, over 53,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed, but it has a survival rate of 78 per cent, meaning it causes over 11,000 deaths annually. It can be prevented in 27 per cent of cases.
Symptoms: Many people know that breast cancer is signaled by unusual lumps and thickening in the breast, but campaigners have urged that are other warnings signs that are unknown.
The charity Breast Cancer Care is among organisations to urge the public to be wary of all the symptoms of the disease. A change in the size, shape or skin on the breast; swelling in the armpit; and constant pain in the area can signal breast cancer. However, the nipples can also be affected. Redness, a rash or discharge coming from the nipple are all signs of the disease.
While lumps in the breast generally aren't cancerous, the NHS urges people to visit their GP if they notice anything unusual.
This form of cancer only affects men, because it is found in the satsuma-sized prostate gland located between the penis and the bladder. Over 47,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year. But it has a high survival rate of 84 per cent. Almost 11,000 people die of the disease each year. There are no clear ways of preventing prostate cancer, according to Cancer Research UK.
Symptoms: In the early stages, prostate cancer does not cause any symptoms for many years, meaning it is usually caught when it is developed.
The condition is usually picked up when the gland becomes so large that it affects the function of the urethra and makes passing urine more frequent, slower and weaker.
Blood in the urine and erectile dysfunction are also signs. If the cancer pushes against the spinal cord, weakness or numbness in the legs or feet and the loss of bladder and bowel control can also occur.
However, difficulty passing urine can also be a sign of a common condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, where the inner part of the prostate continues to grow as men get older.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Incredible! See the Man Who Traveled 2,800km in 566 Days Across China in a Wheelchair

While most people view wheelchairs as a symbol of disability and confinement, this young man from China is proving the opposite. Over the past couple of years, he has been using his wheelchair to fulfill his lifelong dream of backpacking across the country.
Quan Peng 
29-year-old Quan Peng began his epic journey from Beijing on August 31, 2014, spending a whopping 566 days on the road before reaching Fuzhou city last Thursday. So far he’s traveled a total of 2,800 km spanning the length and breadth of the nation, but his trip is far from over. He still plans to cover another 1,700 km to Sanya, in China’s southernmost province of Hainan, before calling it a day.
"This is the fifth province and 22nd city I’ve passed through during my trip. My fate deprived me of my freedom. I have to get it back by any means necessary. Along with wanting to see the world with my own eyes, I also am making this trip so that people will see the importance of having barrier-free facilities," Quan told local media after reaching Fuzhou. 
In each of the cities he has visited, Quan made it a point to document the type of facilities available for disabled people like himself. Sadly, he reports that in most places such conveniences are non-existent.
Quan, who is originally from Gansu province, lost the use of his legs at age 17 when he underwent a surgery to remove a tumor from his spine. The procedure damaged his nerves, permanently paralyzing his legs. But he refused to let fate dictate the rest of his life, choosing to move to Beijing in 2013 to make a career for himself.
He started off working in customer service and spent his spare time managing a Taobao online store, but his life’s dream was to see the world. Although initially skeptical about traveling in a wheelchair, Quan eventually decided to do it. His first day on the road was far from easy – he had traveled 60 km and used up every ounce of his strength in the process. He developed a sharp pain in his shoulder the very next day, but giving up was never an option, so he just pushed through it.
Quan also fell down from his chair six times during his journey, with the worst being when he tried to negotiate a slope and the wheelchair toppled. But he got used to it eventually, and after the first 500 km he started to really enjoy the journey and all the experiences it presented, from the unpleasant incidents to making friends along the way.
Through his story, Quan hopes to inspire people and make them see that being in a wheelchair does not necessarily have to thwart a person’s dreams and ambitions.

Simple Ways to Protect Your Kidneys, the Small Organs with a Big Impact

The kidneys are vital organs responsible for waste management that is crucial to maintain you body's chemical balance and blood pressure. If you don't take good care of your kidneys, you're risking a slew of health problems, some of which could cause them to shut done altogether.
You may be aware that the kidneys filter the blood, expelling many waste products in the form of urine. But did you know that these crucial organs also neutralize acids, absorb minerals and produce hormones?
Along with the liver, the kidneys bear the brunt of the impact from exposure to toxic substances, which means that they may slowly fail from chronic poisoning. Because these organs are so important, they are able to keep functioning even at only 20 percent capacity – which unfortunately means that kidney disease can go undetected for years.
This makes it all the more important to make sure you are doing all you can to protect your kidneys.
Protect your kidneys from damage.
The best way to take care of your kidneys is, of course, to keep from mistreating them. Obviously, that means avoiding the abuse of drugs, including prescription drugs. Painkillers in particular – including over-the-counter drugs – are a major cause of kidney damage and failure. Another major cause of kidney failure is chronic sleep deprivation, which prevents all the body’s organs from getting the downtime they need to repair themselves.
Be sure to drink plenty of water, which is critical for the kidneys to fully flush out the toxic substances that they accumulate while filtering the blood. For a similar reason, make sure to empty your bladder as frequently as possible, rather than holding your urine in. Regular urine retention can eventually lead to kidney stones, incontinence and even kidney failure.
Avoid eating too much salt or sugar. Excessive salt changes the fluid balance in your body, stressing the kidneys, while studies have shown that the consumption of two or more sugar-sweetened drinks per day increases the risk of kidney dysfunction. Caffeine, by raising blood pressure, also stresses the kidneys, and should therefore be consumed only in moderation. And while a regular glass of red wine is good for you, excessive alcohol consumption is a major source of stress and damage to both kidneys and liver.
One of the major categories of toxins that the kidneys process are the wastes produced as a byproduct of protein metabolism. That’s why diets that are especially high in protein – particularly diets low in other caloric sources, requiring the body to break apart more protein for energy – are a major source of stress on the kidneys, and can lead to kidney failure.
Finally, dietary deficiencies in general can stress the kidneys along with all other bodily organs. In particular, deficiency in magnesium or vitamin B6 can increase the risk of kidney stones and kidney failure.